Weather Changes: This vs. That

     As the seasons shift and the weather takes on a new temperament, it's important to adapt your skincare routine to keep your skin looking and feeling its best. Zingari Man is here to help you navigate the ever-changing weather conditions and ensure that your skin remains healthy and well-hydrated year-round. In this blog post, we'll explore how weather affects your skin and provide you with some essential tips to weather the storm.

Understanding How Weather Affects Your Skin

Before we dive into skincare tips, let's take a moment to understand how different weather conditions can impact your skin:

  1. Winter Chills: Cold, dry air can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, flakiness, and even irritation. Windy conditions can further exacerbate these issues by causing chapping and redness.

  2. Summer Sizzle: Hot and humid weather can cause your skin to produce excess oil, leading to clogged pores and breakouts. The sun's UV rays can also damage your skin, leading to premature aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.

  3. Transitional Seasons: Spring and fall can bring fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels, which can confuse your skin and result in a combination of dry and oily patches.

Now, let's explore some essential tips for maintaining healthy skin no matter the weather.

General Skincare Tips for Weathering Skin Changes

  1. Stay Hydrated: Regardless of the season, staying hydrated is key to healthy skin. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin cells well-moisturized from the inside out.

  2. Switch to Seasonal Moisturizers: During the colder months, opt for a heavier, cream-based moisturizer to combat dryness. In the summer, switch to a lighter, oil-free moisturizer to prevent excess oil production.

  3. Don't Skip Sunscreen: UV protection is a must year-round. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even on cloudy days.

  4. Adjust Cleansing Routine: In the summer, consider using a gentle foaming cleanser to combat excess oil. In the winter, switch to a creamy cleanser that won't strip your skin's natural oils.

  5. Exfoliate Regularly: Regular exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and prevents clogged pores. Use a mild exfoliant once or twice a week, depending on your skin type.

  6. Use a Humidifier: Combat dry indoor air during the winter by using a humidifier in your home. This helps maintain moisture levels in your skin.

  7. Stay Consistent: Regardless of the weather, consistency is key. Stick to your skincare routine to see long-term improvements in your skin's health.

Now for the fun part...

This vs. That

Shave or not to shave: Shaving is a personal choice and we like it that way! Choosing to have facial hair or not is something that most our customers all have in common. But, there is a general difference of when a clean face or a beard may work best with the weather. -- In the summer, we're hot and oily, making a beard harder to manage and hotter on the face. In the cooler temperatures, a beard is useful for keeping the skin from drying up by it's natural oils (and it will keep your face more insulated). 

Recovery Splash or Aftershave Balm: Here we have two post-shave products. One that is lighter and one that is thicker. Both are acceptable for all climate types (depending on your skin), but one is better for warmer temps and the other for cooler temps... The Recovery Splash is lightweight and is formulated to be hydrating without causing a greasy feel- so it fairs well in the spring and summer! The Aftershave Balm, on the other hand, has a thicker, richer formulation that locks in deep hydration and repairs damaged skin- it works best in the cooler seasons like fall and winter!

- there may be more this vs. that tips in the future!

     But for now, as the weather changes, your skincare routine should adapt accordingly. By understanding how different weather conditions affect your skin and following these essential tips, you can ensure that your skin remains healthy and radiant throughout the year. Stay tuned for more skincare tips and product recommendations from Zingari Man! 


Great Post!

I was about to email you for this exact information (Recovery Splash vs After Shave Balm). Here in Florida our seasons are Hot, Scorching, Flames of Hades, and back to Scorching! Looks like Recovery Splash is my jam.

My next question will be Hydration Potion vs Recovery Potion 😊

Great products all!

William Tubb September 23, 2023

Awesome and informative stuff! Keep it coming

James Hall September 22, 2023

The seasonal tips and education on skin care is useful and vital when used properly to feeling good. thank you. Also bring educated on aftershave vs Recovery Splash is extremely useful information. If I don’t know how to use it, I won’t buy it. Now I’ll buy exactly what I need.

Cheers to great skin care and of course to many great shaves!

Vito Vitulli September 22, 2023

The seasonal tips and education on skin care is useful and vital when used properly to feeling good. thank you. Also bring educated on aftershave vs Recovery Splash is extremely useful information. If I don’t know how to use it, I won’t buy it. Now I’ll buy exactly what I need.

Cheers to great skin care and of course to many great shaves!

Vito Vitulli September 22, 2023

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